Iran tried to abduct ex-Minister of Defense of Israel

One of the high-ranking figures that Iranian intelligence agencies developed with the aim of luring from Israel and stealing in Iran, was the former chief of the General Staff and former Minister of Defense Moshe (Bugi), Yaalon, writes “Details” with reference to Israel Ha-Haom .

It was previously reported that the General Security Service (Shabak) allowed the publication that Iranian intelligence tried to organize the abduction of Israeli businessmen and scientists. For this, an operation was developed. They collected information about the Israelis, after which they contacted them by e -mail. Moreover, the addresses were forged to look like the addresses of famous scientists or businessmen whose personal data were stolen.

According to Shabak, some of the Israeli citizens almost “bought” for Iranian intelligence tricks and already planned a trip abroad. Now the site “Israel Haom” complemented this information with a specific name. One of the high -ranking figures that Iranian intelligence tried to abduct was the former head of the General Staff and former Minister of Defense Moshe (Bugi) Yaalon. He has currently moved away from politics and heads the Isaratil investment fund, which is based in the UAE and invests in Haytek and defense startups.

It is noted. That at some stage Moshe Yaalon guessed that he was being developed and turned to Shabak. About whether this appeal was the key to exposure and disrupting the Iranian intelligence operation is not reported.

surrounded by Moshe Yaalon refused to comment on this message.