Iranian state television: helicopter with president of Iran on board made rigid landing

The search and rescue operations of the helicopter, from the motorcade of Iran President Ebrahim Raisi, who made a “hard landing”, is not possible to spend from the air due to adverse weather conditions caused by thick fog.

Speaking on Iranian State Television, the chairman of the red crescent Iran Pir Hossein Kulivend spoke about search and rescue works.

Kulivend said: “Due to the adverse weather conditions (thick fog) in the region of search and rescue operations, it cannot be carried out from the air using an UAV.”

Iranian official said that 40 search groups continue to work on Earth in a mountain and inaccessible area.

The helicopter with the President of Iran made a rigid landing due to weather conditions when he returned from the opening ceremony of the dam on the border with Azerbaijan.

– Rescue teams have not yet reached the crash area

Iranian red crescent previously said that the accident occurred between Kaleiber and Verzigan. The Minister of Internal Affairs of Iran Ahmad Wahidi emphasized that rescue teams have not yet reached the crash area.

Deputy Governor of the Province of Vostochny Azerbaijan Dzhabbarali Zakiri said that one of 3 helicopters in the convoy Raisi crashed.

According to Iran’s state television, in a helicopter transporting Raisi, there were several officials, including Foreign Minister Hussein Amir Abdullahiyan.

– The US State Department is closely monitoring the development of events

The US State Department said he was closely monitored by the development of events related to the crash of a helicopter with Iranian President Ebrahim Raisisi, who was reported that he made a “hard landing.”

According to CBS News, the State Department representative made a statement about the helicopter crash with Raisi and Foreign Minister Hussein Amir Abdullahian.

The statement says that American officials study reports about the possible hard landing of a helicopter with President Iran Raisi and Foreign Minister Abdullahiyan and some officials and carefully monitor the development of events.

– Azerbaijan is ready to provide all kinds of support to Iran

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, in connection with the rigid landing of the Iranian Presidential helicopter, posted a publication on the social network x.

“We are seriously concerned about the news that today, after a friendly meeting by the President of the Islamic Republic, Iran Iran Iran Raisisi, a helicopter with a high delegation made a tough landing in Iran,” President Aliyev wrote.

The head of the Azerbaijani state said that “the Azerbaijan Republic, as a neighboring, friendly and fraternal country, is ready to provide all kinds of support to Iran.”