Iraq requires to return 200 billion dollars Saddam Hussein

Iraq’s authorities are trying to return to the country illegally exported $ 200 billion, including Avaaura former President Suddam Hussein. This is reported by TASS with reference to SHAFAQ News.

As the Minister of Finance of Ali Alaui, “at one time, said from $ 150 to $ 200 billion, from $ 150 to $ 200 billion, from $ 150 to $ 200 billion, of which only 5% is the money of the former regime.” “The longer the money remains abroad, the more leaks,” he said. “We need to interact with other countries and international courts to bring them back, and this is a very difficult task.” As the minister told, the Central Bank of Lebanon was previously informed Baghdad on the non-traced disappearance of $ 20 billion translated from Iraq.