Israel Defense Minister House Cleaner detained for espionage in favor of Iran

Cleaner who worked in the House of Israel Defense Minister Benia Ganz, arrested on suspicion of espionage in favor of Iran, RIA Novosti reports with reference to the General Security Service of Israel Shabak.

It is noted that in the framework of the joint activities of the General Security and Police of Israel in November 2021, the Israeli Citizen Omry Goren, who worked at home and who had killed by the Minister of Defense, was arrested for interrogation.

According to preliminary data, OMRE a few days before arrest, on its own initiative contacted the organization related to Iran through one of the social networks, and suggested assistance in various ways, given it to the minister’s home.

In particular, according to the investigation, the cleaner proposed to establish malicious software on the Ganz computers. As evidence of the seriousness of its intentions and capabilities, the suspect sent photos of various rooms in the house, including the image of the Ganz computer.

Shabak emphasizes that there was no damage to state secrets, since Omri Goren did not have access to important information of state importance.