Israel destroyed objects of his brother Assad

On October 22, Israel struck the positions of the 4th brigade of government forces in Syria. The unit is commanded by Maher Assad, the brother of the Syrian president Bashar al -Assad, informed Al Arabiya October 27.

Air strikes were destroyed by equipment designed to assemble attacking unmanned aerial vehicles. During the attack, 4 people died.

According to journalists, Israel also attacked Iranian objects, including the base of the technical support of the Lebanon battalion of the Islamic Revolutionary Corps. Air strikes were sent against the 4400th unit of the Hizball terrorist organization, which is responsible for the delivery of weapons and military equipment to Lebanon. Shells destroyed the weapons warehouses of the organization.

Sources report that recently the 4400th Khizballa unit has activated the “Dangerous Weapons” crossing activities to Lebanon, coordinating operations with the 190th unit of the Kuds forces-the expeditionary formation of the Iranian Corps of the Islamic Revolution Guardians.

Israel handed Syria a warning that its troops will focus on air strikes in response to deepening Damascus cooperation with Tehran. The reason was the regular transfer of weapons from Iran to Syria under the guise of humanitarian assistance. In the future, this weapon enters Hizballa militants in Lebanon.