Istanbul Airport updated its own record for number of flights and passenger traffic

“Istanbul Airport” on Sunday, April 23 broke his own record for the number of flights and passenger traffic.

On the eve of the largest air harbor of Turkey, 1548 flights were made, and the passenger flow amounted to 224,709 people, the İGA airport was reported by the operator of the airport.

Thereby, the air harbor updated its own record of April 19, when 1460 flights and 208 066 passengers were served.

From April 20 to 23, 5,822 sides were met at Istanbul airport, 880 610 passengers used the services of the largest air harbor.

And the Ataturka Airport, which currently does not accept civil flights, reached the highest indicators for the number of serviced flights and passenger traffic on April 18, 2016.

On this day, 230 thousand passengers used the airport services, 1,500 flights were served.