Jalilabad: a driver-drug driver was detained, arranging an accident

Arrested the car driver of the VAZ-2105 brand, which has committed an accident in a state of narcotic intoxication.

According to the press service of the Ministry of the Interior, a resident of the Jalilabad district Elvin Huseynov on the car of the VAZ-2105 brand, belonging to his friend, the wheel of which he was without a driver’s license and a power of attorney, made a traffic accident in the city of Jalilabad.

As a result, three more cars – VAZ-21154, VAZ-21063 and Mercedes-Benz – got serious damage.

The appropriate medical examination establishes that Elvin Huseynov used drugs. Materials collected in relation to the perpetrator are directed to the district court for legal assessment. By the decision of the court Huseynov, an administrative arrest was appointed for 30 days.