Kadyrov answered Margarita Simonyan: stop advertising his inforoduct on Caucasians

Head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov in his telegram-channel addressed the TV host Margarita Simonyan because of her post about “visitors” and “persons of the Caucasian Nationality”, reports Lenta.ru.

“When we are interested in the commanders of a number of media, why they refer to the North Caucasus or Caucasians in a negative context without reason, we were not answered openly: we have no visitors without such a mention,” the head of the Chechen Republic wrote and urged to stop ” Advertise your information product on Caucasians. “

Kadyrov noted that the media do not cover the crimes who commit faces of other nationalities, but specifically select the infoovodes in which the Caucasians appear and said that “such a dirty technique can lead to irreparable consequences.”

He clarified that such statements teach the generation of Russians to believe that the Caucasus is a separate state.

According to Kadyrov, the “agents of foreign states” are engaged in disinformation about Caucasians. The head of Chechnya called on to connect to the solution of this problem of the special service.

Otherwise, Kadyrov said, a person who will find “provocateurs” independently and “will make a crime, protecting his honor and dignity.” In his opinion, in itself the search for the perpetrators will not be difficult.

Earlier, Margarita Simonyan published a post in its Telegram channel, condemning the crime of visitors to Russia of citizens of the Caucasus countries. In it, the TV host called on migrants to discontinue violate the law of the Russian Federation. Otherwise, their behavior can lead to tightening migration legislation.