Kadyrov turned to Chinese in Chinese

The head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov in his telegram channel called on China “not to let NATO dictate its conditions” and “stand with their brothers.” The post was written in Chinese.

“Over the past hundred years, the United States and Europe have organized dozens of wars, military coups and invasions around the world.

Millions of civilians became their victims.

However, now they brought with them an even more terrible threat of destroying all moral values ​​developed by the peoples of all nations during human existence.

They want to turn us into animals that are easy to manipulate.

This can never be!

We urge the whole Islamic world, all sane people to unite against our common enemy!

Their money and weapons are nothing compared to our unity, will and faith in our Creator!

North Atlantic Alliance threatens the existence of the whole world.

But Russia challenged all the predictions of the West, challenged this evil and confidently went to victory.

Do not let NATO dictate the conditions, otherwise they will trample your homeland in the blink of an eye!

Stop with his brothers! ”, wrote Kadyrov.