Kaya Kallas is unhappy with NATO plans: in event of an invasion of Russia, Estonia “will be erased from map”

Estonia “will be erased from the card” in the event of an invasion of the Russian Federation due to the inefficiency of the NATO strategy, said Estonian Prime Minister Kai Kallas in an interview with Financial Times.

According to her, the existing defense plans of the Alliance for the three Baltic countries suggest their release within 180 days. “If we compare the size of Ukraine and the Baltic countries, this means the complete destruction of countries and our culture,” Kallas said, recalling that Ukraine is holding for more than 100 days.

She added that she spoke with the foreign military, based in Estonia, mainly from the UK, and they told her that, given the existing plans, according to which they would be almost completely destroyed in the event of a Russian invasion, “they did not like the thought of That will have to die. “

Responding to the request to comment on the statement of Callas, the official representative of NATO said that the Alliance “has plans to contain threats and protection of all allies, but we will never go into operational details.”