Kazakhstan confirmed: we discuss oil export with Azerbaijan

“Discussions with the Azerbaijani side of the possible transportation of Kazakhstani oil are carried out at various levels, including at the state.” This was announced in an interview with Tengrinews by the Deputy Chairman of the Board of Economics and Finance “Kazmunaygaz” Dauren Karabaev.

According to him, the details of possible transportation still require coordination.

“We will inform you in more details upon reaching agreements with the Azerbaijani side. Azerbaijan has two oil pipelines:” Baku – Tbilisi – Jaikhan “and” Baku – Supis “, which can be potentially used to transport Kazakhstani oil,” Karabaev said.

Recall that earlier Reuters, citing its sources, wrote that Kazakhstan will soon begin to send its oil through the largest oil pipeline of Azerbaijan, since the country is actively looking for alternative oil routes that will not pass through Russia.