Kazakhstan plans to launch new production at Baikonur Cosmodrome

In Kazakhstan, they plan to launch production with the creation of about 300 new jobs in the Baikonur cosmodrome. This was announced by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Olzhas Bektenov in response to a deputy request, regulates Kazinform.

“As part of the execution of the protocol of the 8th meeting of the intergovernmental commission on the Baikonur complex dated December 2, 2022, the Russian side presented a list of 234 objects proposed to be excluded from the composition of tenants. It is planned to organize production with the creation of about 300 new ones on their basis. jobs, ”said Bektenov.

The Prime Minister noted that the Decree of the Government of March 28, 2023 approved the concept of the development of the space industry for 2023-2029, which provides for such main approaches as an increase in the efficiency of the created technological base, the formation of a self-sufficient space industry, international cooperation.

The Aerospace Committee is performed by the strategic tasks for the development of the industry, which is given the necessary functions of regulation, implementation and control. The main area of ​​work on the development of the space industry is the implementation of significant and capital -intensive projects funded from the republican budget through state tasks.

“The possibility of opening an investment fund as a new method of financing the space industry is discussed. However, this issue requires a detailed study,” Bektenov said.