Kontakt chain of stores supported families of Shehids

Kontakt expresses a deep condolences to all the people of Azerbaijan, especially the families and relatives of our military personnel who died as a result of the Armenian provocation, and also announces the cancellation of credit debts to the company of our heroes-shihids and members of their families.

In accordance with the Karabakh program, prepared during the Patriotic War, the company undertakes to write off credit debts of members of the families of the shaft for their homeland (parents, spouses and children).

“Sons who gave the duty to their homeland cannot remain debts to our company. On the contrary, we owe them for their heroism. Therefore, we are taking constant measures within the framework of the Karabakh program, – the company said.

For the entire period of implementation of the program, the company was written off the debt of families of the shahids and veterans with disabilities of the first group in the amount of 267,563 manat. The debt is written off on the basis of applications today. You can get more information about the Karabakh program here.