Kremlin stated ban on US imports from Russian Federation by manifestation of “unfair competition”

Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov called the USA ban on Uranus from Russia by the manifestation of “unfair competition”.

“This is uncritical for the Russian nuclear industry. It is difficult for the Americans to compete with us in the international arena, and as soon as it becomes difficult for them to compete, they do not disdain anything, including measures that, in fact, distort, distort and beat in all norms and principles international trade, ”said Peskov, whose words are given by Russian Gossmi.

According to the Kremlin representative, the US ban is “nothing more than unfair competition and continuing the unusual, unusual line of Americans.”

“This is not critical for the Russian nuclear industry. Our nuclear industry is one of the advanced in the world, it is extremely competitive,” Peskov believes. “We will continue to develop this industry,” he added.

Earlier, US President Joe Biden signed the law on the import of Russian uranium adopted by the US Congressmen.

– the visit of the US Secretary of State to Ukraine

In addition, the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation commented on the visit of US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken to Ukraine.

“We know that Mr. Blinken arrived in Kyiv. We also know about the nervousness that they are now experienced not only in Kyiv itself, but also in the European capitals, in Washington in connection with the ongoing special military operation,” the representative said Kremlin. Russia intends to “achieve its goals,” he said.

– the situation around the bill on the “transparency of foreign influence” in Georgia

Peskov noted that Russia does not interfere “and does not intend to intervene in the future” in the internal affairs of Georgia.

“, on the one hand, we state the firm desire of the Georgian leadership to insure our country from undisguised interference in our internal affairs, in fact, as the vast majority of countries of the world do it. On the other hand, we again see unprovable intervention in The internal affairs of Georgia are even heard by the threats of the application of sanctions in relation to Georgia, if they adopt this or that law at home, well, what if this is not a direct intervention in the internal affairs of Georgia? ” – said Peskov.

Protest actions continues in Georgia against the Georgian Dream introduced by the ruling party in the parliament of the bill on the “transparency of foreign influence.”

– Western accusations of hybrid attacks

According to the Kremlin representative, the West absolutely groundlessly accuses Russia of conducting a misinformation campaign and “hybrid attacks”.

“All of these statements, all demarcers from the European capitals are absolutely unfounded. And we decisively reject all these accusations,” Peskov emphasized.