Laos President arrived on state visit to Mongolia

President of the Laosa People’s Democratic Republic of Thonglun Sisulit and his wife, there were a sisulit profit to Mongolia on a state visit.

The visit is at the invitation of President of Mongolia Ukhnaih Huralsukha, reports on Tuesday, June 11 Montsame.

President of Thonglun Sisulit and the delegation accompanying him at the metropolitan international airport “Gengis Khaan” was met by the head of the administration of the President of Mongolia, Yanggogin Sudbaatar, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia Gombosuren Amartuvshin, Extraordinary and Penitentiary of the Mongolia Ambassador to the Landr Zhamsrandi Baybasoren, and Peninsula L LDR in Mongolia Pengsavan Gavbasud.

During the state visit, passing 17 years later at the level of the head of state, the presidents of the two countries will hold official negotiations and sign a number of documents on cooperation as part of the strengthening of the contractual framework.

Mongolia and the Lao People’s Democratic Republic established diplomatic relations in 1962.