Last king of Greece died

The former King of Greece Konstantin II died in Athens, Newsbomb said the news portal

82-year-old ex-monarch suffered a sharp stroke while in his house in Athens. Within a week, he was assisted in the intensive care of the capital’s hospital “Igia”, where he was delivered in critical condition.

In the hospital with him were members of his family – wife Anna -Maria Danish, children and sister.

In recent years, the former king has encountered serious health problems. He had already transferred a stroke in the past, and in December 2021 he was diagnosed with pneumonia and pulmonary edema. He underwent treatment in the same hospital “Igia”. Then the ex-monarch was hospitalized due to Covid-19 infection, while he had problems with movement, recently he was chained to a wheelchair.

Konstantin II was born on June 2, 1940 in Athens. He is the last king of Greece (1964-1974) from the Glingsburg dynasty, the son of King Paul I and Frederica Hanover. He is the last reigning Orthodox monarch.

as a descendant of the Danish king Christian IX wore the title of Prince of Danish. After coming to power in Greece in Greece in 1967, the pro -fascist junta of the Black Colonels Konstantin made an attempt to oppose them, calling on the radio people to an uprising. However, he did not receive support, he was forced to leave the country and lived in Rome.

In 1973, following the results of the referendum, the monarchy in Greece was abolished and proclaimed the republic. After the overthrow of the military dictatorship, the democratic government held a second referendum on December 8, 1974, which confirmed the will of the people not to restore the monarchy. Konstantin never recognized these referendums and never formally renounced the throne. Nevertheless, from this time, the Glingsburg monarchy ceased to exist and the Greek Republic was established.

Until 2013, the ex-king lived with his family in London. In May 2013, the royal family moved to a permanent place of residence in Greece, to Porthelion in the Hermionid community, 6 km from the island of the specialist. In connection with serious health problems, the former monarch lived in Athens in recent months to be near the hospital in which he was treated.