Latvia: close popular Russian TV channel

The Latvian regulator has canceled the license of the “Baltic Latvia Baltic Channel” (PBC), which retransmitted the programs of the Russian first channel. It was the most popular TV channel in Russian, reports Russian BBC service.

According to information, the National Council on Radio and Television of Latvia (regulator) has substantiated his decision violations of European legislation. The regulator reports that the PBC has launched the products of other media – it was the first violation. In addition, according to its license, the PBC should divert 51% of the etheric time of European products – this was not respected.

Third violation – a threat to public health: in one of the programs it was said that the coronavirus is not very infectious, but to protect itself can be in food herring. In all three cases, the channel was fined, the third violation made it possible to cancel the license.

Broadcasting should be discontinued on October 26. According to Kantar, in September 2021, PBC was the most popular Russian channel in Latvia, as well as the third channel in the country in the country (along with channels in Latvian language). About 40% of Latvian residents – Russian-speaking.