Lavrov compared international situation with Cold War period

The current international situation in its unsafe is comparable to the Cold War period. This was stated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov.

At the same time, he noted that during the Cold War there were restraining factors and counterweights. However, at present, the Foreign Minister said, the situation has changed.

“Now such fears are manifested entirely in the speeches of many politicians and government organizations. This is a different situation,” he added.

He also affected the prospects for restoring relations with Western countries. According to him, Russia will “think about ten times” if the proposals for restoration of relations come.

The head of Russian diplomacy believes that “Europe greatly undermined its reputation as a contractual partner.”

“When the sobering arrives and if it comes, we will think about ten times and weigh all these proposals, as far as they answer our interests and how much these European colleagues are reliable and contractual. They are their agreement, the reputation undermined very, very strongly, maybe, that It is inexpensable, ”said Lavrov.

According to the minister, the restoration of relations with the EU is not what Russia needs to think about at this stage. In his opinion, now Moscow needs to think about how not to depend on the actions of European politicians who are carried out “under the influence of Washington”.

“We must protect ourselves in all the key sectors of our economy, life, security, on which the future of the country depends,” he said.