Lavrov: Russia will protect Russian -speaking population of Moldova

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, speaking of Russian -speaking residents of Moldova, said that the Russian Federation would protect them. He said about this during the performance, the Russian media reports.

He also drew attention to the existence of Gagauzia in Moldova and hinted that she needed to provide wider autonomy.

“We will do everything so that the interests of the Russian -speaking population of Moldova and Transnistria are not injured in any way. We will also not forget that, in addition to Transnistria, there is also Gagauzia in Moldova, which also claims to be a special status and already has certain elements of this special status “, – said Lavrov.

Lavrov emphasized that the Moldovan authorities should “stop playing in the geopolitical games imposed by the West and think about the interests of those people who live side by side.”