Lavrov: “The goals of” special operations “will be fulfilled”

“The goals of the” special military operation “in Ukraine retain their relevance and will be fulfilled regardless of how much it takes for this time.” This was stated in New York by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

He noted that the goals of the “special operations” are known: the protection of the population of Donbass, the elimination of Russian security threats, demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine.

According to the Russian minister, in Washington they are not interested in establishing peace and tranquility in Ukraine.

“This became clear in March, when Moscow and Kyiv approached the achievement of agreements among themselves. Such a queue of events clearly frightened the Americans and the British, and they have actually forbade Ukraine to conduct further dialogue with Russia. Since then, the Ukrainian authorities have been evading the process negotiations, ”Lavrov explained.

The head of the Russian Foreign Ministry also stated that civilians are killed from NATO weapons in Russia.

“From NATO, American weapons, they fire on the adjacent Ukraine Russian territory, kill civilians there. In the Pentagon, they do not hide that they transfer intelligence, target designations for striking,” Lavrov said.