Lithuanian scientists stated a vaccine that protects against “Delta”

Scientists Lithuania found out that the Pfizer-Biontech vaccine is effective from the “Delta” -stamma coronavirus and demonstrates reliable protection, preventing the difficult course of the disease, the risk of hospitalization and death from coronavirus. This is stated in the report of the Lithuanian Statistics Department, reports LRT.

According to the representative of the Department of Jonas Bachälis, in fully vaccinated risk to get infected at about five times less, that is, this vaccine is particularly high efficiency. He stressed that the vaccine better protects young people and those who have recently become – in this case the protective effect is 90%. The hospitalization of the vaccine protects by 83-92%.

Lithuanian professor, Immunologist Aurelia Zhvirblen expressed satisfaction with the fact that such a study was conducted in Lithuania, because it has so far been relying on data from foreign countries. And the situation in Lithuania differs from other countries as an epidemiological situation and the health of the population.