“live” vaccine from Covid-19 passed preliminary tests

Live vaccine, created by scientists of Kazakhstaniological problems of biological safety on the basis of a weakened SARS-COV-2 virus and stabilizing components, passed tests on laboratory animals and, according to preliminary data, is a safe and high immunogenic, the press service of the Ministry of Education and Science reported republic, transfers Interfax.

“conducted more than 150 passages to obtain an attenuated strain. Now the vaccine is undergoing inspection of immunobiological properties, also scientists are developing a standard method of manufacturing a living vaccine. The drug was testing for laboratory animals and, according to preliminary data, a safe and high-imnogenne vaccine,” says Ministries report.

It is reported that the scientists of the problems of biological safety have been developed by five vaccines from coronavirus infection: inactivated Vaccine “Qazvac”, subunit “Qazcovac-P” based on a virus protein, two recombinant vaccines and one living vaccine.

It is noted that the QAZVAC vaccine (the former name Qazcovid-in) is already used to vaccinate the population.