London will publish names of spouses that were taken out of Azerbaijan doubtful 14 million pounds

In London, the names of spouses accused of exporting from Azerbaijan in Britain “dirty money” can be promulgated in London in the amount of 14 million pounds. This indicates the course of the trial in this case, which takes place in the British capital. According to the Air Force, the day before, Vanessa Barezer issued a decision, which states that the continuation of the preservation of a pair living in London in the secret of the personality is contrary to the principle of “open justice”.

Note that 14 million pounds of sterling make up 20 million dollars, and this number of dollars in cash weighs 200 kilograms.

Recall that the claim for the disclosure of the names of the spouses, the case of which is considered in one of the main ships of England – in Westminster, filed the British newspaper The Evening Standard. At the last stage of the process, the British National Crime Anti-Crime Agency (NCA), which opened this case, also joined the requirement of the Evening Standard and called for the disclosure of the respondent names.

NCA is trying to confiscate up to 10 million pounds sterling, located on 6.5 different bank accounts of these spouses. The court decision states that confidentiality is canceled due to the full details of lawsuits, subjects against this marital pair. The judge gave a delay to spouses, which were still presented in court only as X and Y. For seven days, provided by the court, a married couple from Azerbaijan can organize a revision of the court decision.

The lawyers of the Married couple said they would like to ban the abolition of privacy at the Supreme Court level and revising the decision.

According to lawyers, the disclosure of the names of the defendants in this matter can affect other lawsuits. However, the names of X and Y will be made public next week, if the petition of lawyers will not be satisfied, writes The Evening Standard.

The National Crimination Agency accuses spouses from Azerbaijan to use an extensive network of companies, “whose names are only on bronze tablets”, in a variety of places, from the Seychelles to the London District Potters bar, for money laundering. NCA claims that money has been translated from bank accounts in Estonia and Latvia to bank accounts in Coutts, Barclays, Lloyds, Santander and Metro in the UK.

NCA on the previous hearing argued that in order to conceal this money, fake payment requirements were made in the amount of 500 million pounds of sterling, allegedly related to the purchase of steel.

The article says that the newspaper The Evening Standard is judged for almost two years to cancel the confidentiality of the names of these spouses. The newspaper reports that its goal is also to be easier to expose “dirty money.” A married couple from Azerbaijan rejects charges and fights for money from their bank accounts to be confiscated.