“Lost sleeve” of Nile River can solve secret of construction of Egyptian pyramids

Scientists discovered a long-buried sleeve of the Nile River, which once leaked next to more than 30 pyramids in Egypt, the history of the construction of which still remains a mystery.

A study published in Nature magazine states that the “lost sleeve” of the Nile River may play a major role in the construction of 31 mysterious structure, including the famous Giza pyramids located in the southwest of Cairo.

Scientists who conducted research at the University of North Carolina in the United States established that the sleeve of the river called Ahramat, which is translated from Arabic, means “pyramid”, proceeded in the area of ​​mysterious pyramids.

One of the researchers Eman Gonim said that the find can reveal the secret of how the ancient Egyptians transported massive stone blocks for the construction of monuments.

According to him, the researchers knew that the materials used in construction were transported by water, but could not find the exact location and size of this channel.

After a detailed study of satellite, radar, soil and geographical records, a river sleeve was discovered, destroyed as a result of sand storms thousands of years ago, the researcher noted.

The discovered waterway could explain why the 31 pyramid was built by a chain along the now desert strip in the Nile Valley between 4700 and 3700 years ago, ”he added.

The region where the Cheops pyramid is located, which is considered one of the seven wonders of the world, accepts millions of tourists annually.