Mayor of Slavutych spoke in detail about capture of city: there was no compromise, Russians set one condition

The city head of the occupied Slavutich Yuri Fomichev said that he did not go on compromises with Russian military, but the defenders of the city could not further fight with Russian troops, without exposing the residential neighborhoods of destruction, and civilians – danger. According to the “Ukrainian Pravda”, the mayor of Slavutich in the National Telemarafon Ether.

“This is Ukrainian Slavutich – under the Ukrainian flags. Yesterday (March 26 – Ed.) Russian troops entered the city. Two days we persistently defended, our guys stood up to the last. We have long been in the occupied territory around us, so no possibility Connect the Armed Forces of Ukraine to this battle was not there.

We were very high-qualityly supported artillery, but when it came close to the city, it was decided that artillery around the city would not work. Our artillery on our city does not work, we do not hurt for peaceful inhabitants.

Therefore, a conscious decision was made to replicate our warriors, our terroristure to the armed forces of Ukraine, and the city went to peaceful protest. More than 5 thousand inhabitants expressed their attitude to this: “This is our land, this is our territory – and we ourselves solve our problems here.”

Fomichev dispelled Fakes: “We do not conduct any cooperation with Russian troops. We have determined the conditions for the existence of the city in the occupation, but we do not need any humanitarian aid, another help from the occupiers we do not need. We solve our problems no longer the first day. We have experienced a trip Electricity. We will definitely win and break through.

He spoke about the conversation that he took him with Russians on March 26: “There were no compromises. When they had already come to the residential area, it was decided at the level of the Armed Forces to stop resistance in the city, not to go to the city. No armed Forces Here: Slavutych fought exclusively by the forces of territorial defense. Support could only be an artillery from afar – and beat on their own homes, they simply couldn’t be done on our own city. We are not doing this anywhere. And there was no weapon to defend them in the city . Therefore, the decision was like this. It was not a compromise with the enemy. We saved our guys, civilians.

From Russians, we did not take any requirements. The only thing they put clearly the question is that they will examine the city for the presence of weapons. The city entered the peaceful protest.

Such the only agreements were: that we are on our land who led, we live according to Ukrainian laws, according to the Ukrainian Constitution, under the Ukrainian flag – no effect on this they do not have and should not have. As for weapons, this is their initiative, today we cannot restrain them from such actions. “