Meeting of Council of Heads of Security Bodies of CIS is taking place in Bishkek

President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Zhaparov on May 24 met with members of the Council of Heads of Security Bodies and Special Services of the State Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).

During the meeting, Zhaparov noted the most acute problem of terrorism and extremism in the field of security. He emphasized that Kyrgyzstan resolutely condemns terrorism in any forms of its manifestation, which has turned into one of the dangerous in its scale, unpredictability and consequences of socio-political and moral problems.

Bishkek is held in the 54th meeting of the Council of Security Heads and Special Services of the CIS Member States.

According to the press service of the FSB of Russia, the main attention at the meeting is supposed to pay the development of uniform approaches to assessing threats to the security of the Commonwealth countries and increasing the effectiveness of the interaction of special services to neutralize them.

joint measures will be determined to identify and suppress the activities of persons who have received combat training and experience abroad in order to destabilize the situation and violent changes in the constitutional system in the CIS participants.

Participants in the event will realize ways to improve the exchange of information in the field of fighting terrorism and religious extremism, including within the framework of the International Bank for Combating Terrorism, operating on the basis of the National Anti -Terrorism Committee.

The anti -terrorist center of the Commonwealth for consideration by members of the Council will submit a report on the results of the implementation of the Cooperation States of the CIS to combat terrorism and other violent manifestations of extremism in 2023 – 2025.

In addition, during the event, meetings of the working bodies of the sorb in various areas of activity

will be held