Microsoft announced mass attack of hackers for 150 organizations

The massive hacker attack on American and foreign government agencies and analytical centers using phishing recorded this week Microsoft company, said Vice-President Tom Bert in his blog.

Bert believes that Russian hackers cost it, somehow related to the attack on IT company Solarwinds. This week, their efforts were aimed at about 3 thousand email accounts in more than 150 different organizations in no less than 24 countries in the world, Interfax reports.

Hackers got access to the US Agency for International Development (USAID) in the CONSTANT CONTACT Email Marketing Service, Microsoft reported. Genuine phishing letters dated May 25 allegedly contain new information on fraud in the elections of 2020 and contain a reference to a malicious software that allows hackers to “get constant access to hacked machines.”

Cyber ​​security issues Volexity, which also recorded attacks, reported that the attackers “probably achieved some success in hacking goals,” report media.