Minister Gassei explained joint Azerbaijani-Iranian projects

Race Railway project – Astara in the Northern Iranian province of Gilan is important for Iran and Azerbaijan. This was said to the Minister of Roads and urban planning Iran to Gasemy’s growth at a meeting with a delegation headed by Deputy Prime Minister of Azerbaijan Shahin Mustafayev.

According to the Iranian minister, the project is of importance, since this railway is located in one of the important international corridors (north – south).

“Discussions will be held in the framework of the visit of the Azerbaijani delegation to Tehran for summing up on this occasion,” the words of Gasemy leads

Iranian Minister noted that investments in the construction of the railway terminal in Iranian Astar are invested. Part of this terminal is already built, and for the construction of the rest will be decided at a meeting in Astar.

“There will be discussions on the passenger railway route Nakhchivan – Meshad, as well as on transport and transit cooperation. The number of trucks running between the two countries will increase. Agreement on the creation of a corridor from the Persian Gulf to the Black Sea is decisive and important. There will be discussions and on sea cooperation. I hope that an agreement will be achieved between the two countries to eliminate certain existing barriers in the field of road transport, “he said.

According to him, discussions will be held on the development of the Iranian automotive industry in Azerbaijan, the joint production and export of cars in neighboring countries. “Irankhodro automotive company intends to produce various trucks and buses in Azerbaijan. Iranian companies can implement a number of joint projects in the field of roads and urban planning in Azerbaijan,” said Gassemi.