Mira prepared a hydrogen coup

The richest man of India Mukesh Ambani is preparing to make a coup in the global industry, building four giant plants. All factories will produce goods for environmentally friendly business, most plans are harvested on the development of hydrogen energy, Bloomberg writes.

Indian billionaire and the main owner of the Reliance Industries company Ambani is going to spend ten billion dollars to the release of equipment for zero carbon emissions. In India, there are four huge plants for the production of photovoltaic modules, batteries, fuel cells, as well as electrolyzers required to produce hydrogen.

According to the plan of a businessman, new factories will be able to supply hydrogen on global scale for industries that are difficult to decarbonization. For example, for the production of steel and cement. Global greenhouse gas emissions in these two sectors have grown significantly from the middle of the last century. Steel plants from 2000 to 2015 doubled emissions, environmental pollution from cement production from 1950 increased by 20 times.

Environmentally friendly hydrogen, for example, can replace coal, which is used in the blast furnaces at the steel factories. It is also quite acceptable from fossil fuels in cement production. Increased demand for renewable energy sources, including hydrogen, considers Ambani, will stimulate their use and in electricity generation.