Mossad’s delayed in Turkey gave shocking readings

Network member of 15 people working for the Israeli Intelligence Agency “Mossad” to collect information about Palestinians in Turkey, said that he received thousands of euro for files, reports the news agency “Sabah”.

“I met face to face with the official representative of Mossad. He taught me to encrypt files on a laptop,” quotes the detainees “Sabah”.

According to his information, he had a company that advised students coming from abroad to Istanbul. Mossad for the first time contacted him in December 2018 through the Az agent who asked to provide information about his business, stating that he had in Germany’s clients of Arabic origin, whose children would like to study in Turkey.

Thus, the agent sought to learn how Palestinian students come to Universities in Turkey and what opportunities they provide the Turkish government. After a week, a suspect who sent the details of his work “Mossad” employee received hundreds of euros through Western Union.

“It was the first parcel of the money he had to receive for three years. The recruited agent also agreed to work on a separate file of Palestinian non-governmental organizations in Turkey,” the article says.

He also admitted that “Mossad” wanted to learn how to Palestinians who could not leave Istanbul during COVID-19, provided help. In return, the agent received thousands of Euros, presenting a passport on one of the city markets.

Recall that earlier in Turkey announced the detention on the territory of the country of 15 Arabic origin of Israeli foreign intelligence “Mossad”. Detained agents acted for several years in different parts of Turkey. They were collected and transferred to “Mossad” information about Turkish citizens, in particular students who are planning to work in the defense sphere in the future. For the transfer of information to their curators, the agents went abroad, in particular in Zurich, Bucharest, Zagreb and Nairobi, where they received the necessary instructions. Information and documents important for the Israeli state obtained by intelligence methods were transmitted to officers called “operational employees.”