Most of all diseases of kidneys suffer from residents of Shemakhi and Ismailla

One of the widespread diseases in Azerbaijan are kidney disease. Most of all, these diseases are found in the northern and northwestern regions. A doctoral student of Ibragimov Araz Ibrahimov Araz Ibrahimov.

According to the doctor, 2.1-2.3% of the population suffer in the zone in Shemach-Ismaillas, 2.1-2.3% of the population are suffering, 0.7%, Khachmazi-Sorny – 1.7%.

“Kidney stones are most of all in women. Every 13 out of 100 stones appealing with complaints about the kidneys,” he said.

Answering the question about why kidney diseases in the Zone-Ismail zone are often found, Araz Ibrahimov connected it with increased minerality of water and low iodine in it.