Mysterious death of another oligarch: body of bee found on balcony

About the mysterious death of another major Russian oligarch, consisting of the Russian State Corporations Management team in Russia is reported by Russian media. In Moscow, the Director of Communications of the subsidiary of Russian Railways “Digital Logistics” Pavel Beechikov.

The incident occurred last week, September 28th. According to Russian media, the police are investigating the death of Pchelnikov.

The body of Pchelnikov was found at 06:30 on the balcony in his apartment on Kolomenskaya Embankment in the south of Moscow. The deceased Pavel Pchelnikov was 52 years old. He graduated from the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation and held the post of director of communications LLC “Digital Logistics” (specialization – freight transportation).

According to preliminary data, the head of the PR service committed suicide.

However, on the Top Cargo 200 website, which uses information from open sources to document the death of senior Russian officers in the war in Ukraine and oligarchs, it is said that beekeepers were killed by a gun from a pistol. The company in which the beekeepers worked is accused of not protecting the network of Russian railways from hackers. This led to the delay in the supply of Russian troops with important resources.

“We assume that he could not protect the network infrastructure from attacks of Ukrainian hackers,” said Blick, an adviser to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Anton Gerashchenko.

“There were accidents on Russian railways, which prevented the timely delivery of military cargoes of the occupation Russian army.”

The death of Pchelnikov is one of the violent extermination of Russian oligarchs officially recognized by suicides. In recent months, the “suicides” have been committed by the ex-president of Gazprombank, the top manager of Gazprom, the director of Lukoil, the head of the major logistics company, one of the leaders and other oligarchs.