New details in spy-cleaner in house of Israel Defense Minister

became known new details in spy cleaner in the House of Israel Defense Minister Benia Ganz. Reports about it 9 channel.

Beni Ganz and his spouse hired a work of Omri Goren-Gorokhovski on the recommendation of acquaintances.

According to the information, Omri Goren-Gorokhovski and his spouse twice a week spent work on the house of the head of the Ministry of Defense, as self-employed entrepreneurs with the help of a cleaning company. Ganz himself personally paid a married couple, translating money through the Bit application.

It is reported that Goren-Gorokhovski began work at the House of Gantsev before the head of the party Kachol-Lavan headed the Ministry of Defense. However, it is not known whether this will be released by representatives of the Shabak from responsibility for inappropriate, as if the staff of the Shabak exercise a thorough check of the employee, it would be found that he had five convictions for committing robbery and theft, as well as 4 prison senses.

According to Goren-Gorokhovski independently found the Iranian spyware “Black Shadow” in the Telegram Messenger and offered himself as a spy for the appropriate fee, stating that it can easily access secret documents in the field of security, and sent representatives Iranian intelligence photos from the House of Head of the Ministry of Defense.

Earlier a cleaner who worked in the House of Israel Defense Minister Beni Ganz, arrested on suspicion of espionage in favor of Iran.