Noise in ears, blood from nose … Expert of Ministry of Health about causes

Specialist Expert of the Ministry of Health Rashad Talyshinsky spoke about the causes of unpleasant odor from his mouth, nosebleeds and noise in the ears.

“The presence of an unpleasant odor from the mouth (galitosis) is felt not by the person himself, but by the people around him. Galithosis is caused by general and local causes. In the first case, it is associated with the dysfunction of the internal organs, in the second – with the state of the oral cavity. Local etiological factors associated with problems in the nasopharynx and oral cavity. The smell occurs from the mouth: caries, especially multiple or complicated, when rotten decay accumulates in the carious cavities; periodontitis with bleeding; stomatitis of any etiology; poor hygienic care of the oral cavity; adenoids (gallopoa tonsils. ); рините (насморке); гайморите; фарингите. Общий галитоз может быть связан с экстраоральными причинами: заболеваниями дыхательных путей, пищеварительного тракта, дисбактериозом кишечника, болезнями печени, желчного пузыря, почек. Кроме того, он возникает при эндокринных патологиях – сахарном диабете, thyrotoxicosis. If there are no obvious signs of dental disease to find out The reason for the occurrence of an unpleasant odor from the mouth is important to contact a specialist, ”says the doctor.

To prevent ear diseases, hearing impairment and elementary protection of the organ from infections and viruses, the expert specialist recommends that the basic hygiene rules.