Now Coronavirus can be defined in a few seconds

Finnish Deep Sensing Algorithms received a pan-European medical certificate for a tester defining a coronavirus from an air exhaled air in 45 seconds, RIA Novosti reports with reference to the organization.

The device in shape and functionality looks like a breathalyzer.

Finnish medical equipment manufacturing Deep Sensing Algorithms Ltd completed the development of the world’s first ultrafast detection technology COVID-19. The invention of the DSA BreathPass, which gives the result in less than a minute, now has a pan-European medical certificate and is available for delivery, “says in the message.

It is noted that the device is easy to use – a person is enough to breathe in the device and after 45 seconds the result will be obtained.

The device can be ready for the following analysis in two minutes.

As the Finnish media clarify, the device has already become interested in both Finland and abroad, for example, many airports in the world have shown interest in testing the device.