Number of victims of mud lava and floods in Indonesia grew to 67

The number of victims of the mud lava gathering and floods in the Indonesian province of the West Sumatra increased to 67 people, another 44 were injured.

About this news site Antara News reports with reference to the representative of the National Agency of Indonesia for the Combating of Natural Disaster (BNPB) Abdula Mukhari.

According to him, the gathering of the mud lava after the eruption of the Merapy volcano, caused Mussonny rains.

The search for 20 missing faces continues. “The search for the missing and the identification of the dead continues. The number of victims may increase,” Mukhari explained.

The eruption of the Merapy volcano occurred on May 11. Mousson rains covered by the region caused the gathering of mud lava- piles of stones, ashes and soil.

Indonesia is located in a seismo-vulcanic belt called the Pacific Fire Ring. On the territory of the island state there are hundreds of active volcanoes. And the Mespi volcano is considered one of the most active volcanoes in the world.