Number of victims of tropical cyclone in Madagascar increased to 18

The number of victims of the tropical cyclone “Gamman” in the north of Madagascar increased to 18 people, three were injured.

According to the National Bureau of Risk and Disaster Management (BNGRC), from March 27, gusts of wind intensified, all the negative consequences of the elements affected 7 thousand people.

Four people are listed in the lists of missing. The storm also caused a strong flood, as a result of which entire villages were partially flooded, about 47 thousand people were moved or suffered, the element provoked landslides.

In the island state of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean, the rainy season begins in January and continues until April. In January, the tropical storm Alvaro took the lives of 19 people in the country.

According to the World Food Program, Madagascar suffered from at least ten strong tropical cyclones from the beginning of 2022 and encountered a crisis of hunger in some parts of the island due to the destructive effects of extreme weather conditions.