Oliver Varheli: Türkiye is fifth largest trading partner of EU

The Commissar of the European Union (EU) on the proximity and expansion of Oliver Varheli spoke at a joint press conference organized after his meeting with Foreign Minister Khakan Fidan in Ankara.

Varheli noted that the EU investment platform will directly contribute to the Turkish economy, and said: “We strive to mobilize 2.4 billion euros of direct investments.”

The EU Commissioner, speaking of the total trade between Turkey and the EU, noted: “Last year we beat the record for trade. We exceeded the amount of 200 billion euros.”

Having emphasized that last year the volume of trade between the EU and Turkey amounted to “206 billion euros”, Varheli said the following:

Thus, Turkey is the fifth largest EU trading partner. Of course, the fifth indicator is an important rating, but it is necessary to say the following: the EU continues to be the most important source of direct foreign investment in Turkey. This, of course, imposes a greater responsibility On both sides, it is necessary to maintain this large volume, but at the same time launch it a little, expand, increase.

Varheli recalled that the EU investment platform was created: “Within the framework of this platform, not only state, but also private investments are encouraged. We are now waiting for the completion of technical work in order to start functioning. We intend to complete these works this year “.

indicating that the EU-Turkey investment platform will directly contribute to the Turkish economy, he added:

“Let me tell you about the scale of this idea: we intend to mobilize 2.4 billion euros of direct investments. For this, it is necessary to attract international financial partners. Their participation will contribute to a further increase in the funds available to the platform.”