Olympiad soon: in Beijing Mass testing on COVID

Beijing authorities tightened the control measures for the dissemination of COVID-19 in the capital on the eve of the Olympic Games, before the start of which remained less than two weeks, reports Reuters.

Last Saturday in the city, nine cases of COVID-19 infection were identified, and six sicks live in the Fenty area. In this regard, the authorities obliged all residents of this area to test.

Residents of the Fentay district prescribed not to leave the city, not to be assembled by large groups. In addition, they must take tests and then, if they feel the symptoms of the disease, similar to COVID-19, or if they receive a parcel from abroad. As the authorities are believed, the first case of the disease as a result of the infection of the Omikron strain arose after one of the residents of Beijing received a parcel from Canada.

Earlier, the Organizing Committee of the Beijing Olympiad reported on 72 positive tests for Coronavirus in those who arrived at the game.