On Avdeevsky Front in Ukraine, intensive battles continue

On the Avdeevsky Front in Ukraine, intense battles continue between Russian and Ukrainian troops.

The military of the 35th Brigade of the Marine Corps of the Armed Forces of Ukraine also take an active part in battles on the Avdeevsky Front.

They provide active support to the soldiers at the front, exploring the positions of the Russian army with the help of drones.

They also fired at the enemy’s positions from LNG grenade launchers, thereby ensuring the promotion of the Ukrainian military.

ANADOLOSISSIA Filming group filmed personnel from battles on the Avdeevsky Front.

One of the sergeants of the brigade under the coden name of Bars told Anadol that the brigade provides support to soldiers at the front.

According to him, with the help of grenade launchers, they are trying to ensure the promotion of the military at the front.

“Our goal is also to impede the advancement of the Russian army. We are trying to strike at the enemy infantry and the technique of the enemy. The blows are struck by positions, the location of which was determined as a result of intelligence. The positions are determined by drones. We strike numerous blows during intense battles,” he said.

A soldier named Oleg, who did not want to name his last name, said that the blows were inflicted on accurate coordinates.

“We are fighting for our land. I do not understand why they came to our lands. Probably, they do not have enough of their lands and try to get ours. However, this land is our land, and we will do everything possible to protect them,” he said.
