Pakistan authorities issued an arrest warrant of Imran Khan

The commission for observing the elections in Pakistan issued an arrest warrant of the ex-Prime Minister of the Republic of Imran Khan and a number of other leaders of the opposition party “Motion for Justice” (DZS) on charges of insulting and disrespecting the forensic power.

According to the Daily Pakistan publication, while the ex-head of the Pakistani government and his party colleagues can avoid arrest and remain free on bail.

Earlier, Imran Khan, as well as members of the DSC leadership, Assad Umar and Favad Chaudhri refused to come to the hearing in the election observation commission and the country’s Supreme Court after the initiation of several criminal cases against them, including violation of the law on the fight against terrorism. In connection with the repeated refusal of turnout and their insults to the authorities, the Supreme Court allowed the commission to observe the elections to give the order to arrest the khan and other opposition politicians. The ex-prime minister and his associates consider the accusations against them illegal and fabricated.