Pakistan urged to investigate incidents with uranium detection in India

Pakistan Foreign Ministry called for a thorough investigation of the latest cases of uranium detection in individuals in India.

“We saw reports on the next incident attempt to illegally sell 6 kilograms of uranium in India. A similar incident with 7 kilograms of uranium in the Indian state of Maharashtra last month and other similar messages in the past cause deep concern because they indicate weak control, Bad mechanisms for regulation and enforcement, as well as on the possible existence of a black market of nuclear materials inside India, “the foreign policy statement noted.

Earlier, the Police of Indian State Jarchand reported on the arrest of seven people who tried to sell six kilograms of uranium. This is the third case of the withdrawal of uranium in India in individuals over several years and the second in two months – in May of this year, the Police of the Indian state of Maharashtra detained two men who tried to sell over the Internet more than seven kilograms of uranium. Earlier in 2016, Maharashtra police seized almost nine kilograms of depleted uranium in the Tang area.