Pashinyan to accelerate rallies: police officers arrive in Yerevan

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan made a fateful decision on the forceful acceleration of the protest of the opposition in Yerevan. About this with reference to its sources writes the Armenian edition “Past”.

Despite Pashinyan’s statement that the authorities are not going to “interfere with the opposition,” since it itself is exhausted, he is very concerned that the movement not only does not weaken, but also gains momentum.

The newspaper, citing its sources in power, reports that Pashinyan is going to “cleanse” the area of ​​France by June 3 and remove all the tents placed on it. There is also evidence that Pashinyan informed all the ambassadors of Western countries accredited in Armenia, noting that he was preparing to apply the most stringent means.

All new police detachments arrive in Yerevan from different regions of Armenia, as a result, there are almost no police left in the areas of the police.

Meanwhile, the Graparak publication recalls that yesterday at the building of the third government building, where representatives of the parliamentary opposition tried to enter to meet with ministers, there were tough clashes between police officers and resistance participants.

The publication reports that some employees of the ministries, gathered at the windows, expressed their support to the protesters, waving the flags of Armenia and transferring water to the protesters. Employees of the Ministry of Labor and Social issues showed the greatest activity, the newspaper writes.