Pensioner judges storage in basement of zenitary installation and Nazi tank

In Germany, a trial of a 84-year-old man began in Kiel, who was accused of storing in the basement of his arms of the Nazi era. This is reported by the German Agency DPA.

Claus-Dieter F. (Klaus-Dieter F.) – In the past, the financial broker, a millionaire and a collector of the objects of the Third Reich, primarily weapons.

The man kept military equipment of the Second World War, in particular the anti-aircraft installation and torpedo, which were discovered during the investigation of the caches.

“the prosecutor’s office also accused a man in the fact that he has a mortar machine gun and machine guns,” said in the agency.

In addition, the collection was semi-automatic and fully automatic guns, as well as more than 1 thousand cartridges. The search for the villa turned into a two-day operation. 20 soldiers took about 9 hours to remove the tank from the basement, which weighed almost 40 tons. The accused claimed that he bought a tank in England on scrap metal.

According to the law, such a violation is punishable by imprisonment for a period of 1 to 5 years. However, experts appointed by the court believe that only anti-aircraft weapons can still be in combat condition, and other items are no longer possible.