Peskov: In Russian Federation, consistent work is underway to combat corruption, not campaign

In Russia, consistent work is underway to combat corruption, not a campaign. This was stated by the Kremlin representative Dmitry Peskov, commenting on the arrest of the functionaries of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, including the head of the Main Directorate of Communications of the Russian Federation Vadim Shamarin.

“The fight against corruption is a consistent work, this is not a campaign is an integral part of our law enforcement agencies,” said Peskov, whose words are given by Russian media.

He emphasized that “of course, there is no talk of any campaign here,” and the fight against corruption “continues in all departments.”

“I can’t say anything from the details – I have no authority for this,” he said.

Earlier, the Russian media appeared on the detention of the head of the Main Communication Department of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, deputy head of the General Staff, Lieutenant General Vadim Shamarin. The arrest of Shamarin, on suspicion of receiving a bribe, occurred against the background of several high -profile corruption affairs at the Ministry of Defense. Earlier, on May 21, the military court arrested for two months the former commander of the 58th Army of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Ivan Popov, who was arrested on suspicion of fraud. In addition, on April 23, on suspicion of receiving a bribe, the deputy minister of defense of the Russian Federation Timur Ivanov was detained, whose arrest will last until June 23. He is charged with patronage to the contractors of the Ministry of Defense in exchange for property benefits. The case also arrested Sergei Borodin and co -founder of Olympicistist LLC Alexander Fomin.

– Contacts of the Russian Federation and the USA for convicts

the Russian Federation and the United States must contact in complete silence on the topic of convicted citizens, otherwise there will be no result, Peskov believes.

as for contacts on the topic of persons in imprisonment and convicts, here we can say how we repeatedly repeated that these contacts should be carried out in complete silence absolutely discrete, ”said the Kremlin spokesman. So they can be productive. “

In addition, the Kremlin representative said that the President of the Russian Federation does not contact the former US President Donald Trump.