Poland sentenced to a daily fine in half a million euros

The European Court of Justice in Luxembourg decided that Poland should pay the European Union for € 500 thousand for every day of violation of the decision of the EU Court to stop the extraction of coal at the “Torov” mine. This is stated in the court decision.

“Such a measure seems necessary to improve the effectiveness of the time measures taken in the decision of 21 May 2021 [on the cessation of production at the Torur mine], and in order not to allow the EU country to delay the bringing behavior in line with this By order, “Court Resolution quotes TASS.

At the end of February, the Czech Republic filed a complaint to the EU Court against Poland, accusing it in the fact that due to the expansion of the coal mining mine in the border areas of the republic, the level of groundwater decreased. On May 21, the EU Court satisfied the request of the Czech Republic and ordered Poland to immediately suspend production at the “Torov” mine until the question was resolved in essence. Poland This verdict refused to fulfill, stating that the court decision is unacceptable interference in ensuring the country’s security.