Police stopped wedding in Hyrtalana

The staff of the Absheron district police department revealed violations of the rules of sanitary and quarantine regime.

According to HAQQın.az in the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, during preventive measures in one of the houses of celebrations located in the city of Hyrdalan, police officers, despite the repeated warnings of the tenant of the Jeyran Mamedov facility and the administrator of Nazi Jalilov’s restaurant, organized a wedding ceremony With the mass participation of people. The police took appropriate measures in accordance with the legislation on the tenant of the facility serving personnel, organizers and participants of the ceremony.

with them carried out preventive conversations, the importance of compliance with a special quarantine regime was made.

A total of 38 people who were present at the wedding, as well as the administrator of the object, the Protocols were compiled under Article 211 of the Administrative Offenses Code (violation of anti-epidemic regime, sanitary and hygienic and quarantine regimes) and are fined in the amount of 200 manat. And the head of the Palace of celebrations, created the conditions for holding the ceremony, was fined 5,000 manat.