President: Moldova will do everything to be near Ukraine

Moldova President Maya Sandu expressed confidence that Ukraine would win in confrontation with Russia. This is stated in the message of the President of Moldova on the occasion of 500 days from the beginning of the conflict between Ukraine and the Russian Federation.

“500 days since peaceful people sleeping in their homes, living on their land, were awakened by explosions of bombs and the roar of tanks. The innocent was executed and left to rot in the streets or threw it into common graves. In Buch, in Irpen , in GOSTOL, in Borodianka. Women were raped, children were killed, ”said Sandu, whose words are quoted by Moldipres.

The president noted that the life of civilians of Ukraine has radically changed due to the war. “Everyone who could, women and men, picked up their weapons and defend their country. Millions of the elderly and mothers with children were forced to leave their homes and hide in basements, at the stations of the metro or flee to other regions of Ukraine or other countries. This is a cruel The war carries death and terror. The invaders destroy buildings and houses, bomb the mains, destroy the infrastructure, and speaking in simple terms – ruin the country, – said Sandu.

The head of state emphasized that thanks to the courage of the Ukrainian military and the resistance of the civilian population in Moldova, the world is preserved. “And also that we remain jointly with Ukraine and do everything in our power to be near,” the president expressed.

“Our roads and railways are open to the transport of Ukrainian products to European markets. As part of the international community, we will join the efforts with Ukraine in order to bring Russia accountable for its war crimes. Ukraine will win. Otherwise it cannot be. Ukrainians – – Ukrainians – The people of the world, and we are with them. Glory to Ukraine! ”, Sandu stated.