President of Moldova: Germany is strong and important ally of republic on way to EU

Germany is a strong and important ally of the Republic of Moldova on the way to the European Union, Democracy and Propame.

Moldova President Maya Sandu wrote on a social network following meetings with President of the Federal Republic of Germany Francom-Walter Steinmeier, Chancellor Olaf Sholtsa, speaker of Bundestag Berbel Bas and members of parliamentary committees for foreign affairs and European affairs in Berlin.

“We discussed economic cooperation that will help us develop the economy and create safe and well -paid jobs. Germany is one of our main trading partners and an important source of investment. We strive to deepen these economic ties,” the head of state said.

Sandu emphasized that Germany’s leaders support Moldova’s entry into the European Union.

“Our European aspirations and reforms that we carry out have become an important topic of discussions. I invited the Chancellor Scholts to Chisinau so that he got acquainted with the steps that we take on the way to modernization,” the president added.


Maya Sandu also wrote on the social network X, which she discussed with Olaf Sholtsa the entry of Moldova into the EU, regional security, economic ties and critical support of Ukraine.

“I am grateful for today’s fruitful dialogue for key issues and for constant support from Germany,” Sandu said.

The head of state thanked the Chancellor for recognizing the efforts and determination of the Moldovan people. “Your support is vital, since we promote reforms and follow our European path. We deeply appreciate the solidarity of Germany and hope to continue our partnership,” the president wrote.