President of South Africa: Putin’s arrest in South Africa would be tantamount to declaration of war of Russia

A hypothetical arrest in the South Africa of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin in the Order of the International Criminal Court (MUS) would be equal to the declaration of the war of Russia.

This was stated by South Africa President Siria Ramapos in documents sent to the high court of the South African province of Gauteng.

“would be reckless, unconstitutional and illegal exercise granted to the government to declare the Russian war through the arrest of President Putin, – quotes the local news portal of News 24 Ramapos, which gave written testimonies in connection with the claim by the opposition party “Democratic Alliance” (yes). It would be incompatible with our constitution to risk entering the war with Russia. I have constitutional obligations to protect national sovereignty, peace and security of the republic, as well as respect, protect, encourage and exercise the rights of the people of the republic to life and Safety “.

At the same time, the president insisted that his position be kept secret in order to maintain confidentiality in the interaction of the Government of South Africa and Mus.

However, the Supreme Court ordered Ramaposa’s confidential written response on Tuesday to make a request for the requirement and oblige the country’s government to fulfill the Musa demand in connection with the arrest of Putin issued by him.

A few hours after the publication of the court decision of Ramapos, he said that he was not objecting to the publication of his written testimony.